Lead poisoning occurs when someone ingests lead or is exposed to dust contaminated with lead. The most common way that this happens is from lead-based paint. Any house built prior to 1978 likely has lead paint. Children are especially vulnerable because they are more prone to putting things in their mouths, such as paint chips or other items that may be contaminated with lead paint dust. Paint chips or lead dust are created by aging or deteriorating lead-based paint. Even if the paint is covered by non-lead paint, regular wear and tear on painted surfaces can expose the lead-based paint and cause a hazard. If you fear you or your children have been exposed to a lead hazard in your home, it’s time to call a San Francisco lead poisoning attorney.

Lead Poisoning Symptoms and Effects

Lead poisoning can be difficult to detect. Lead poisoning symptoms are similar to symptoms of a wide range of illnesses. They include:

  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Sluggishness;
  • Stomach pain; 
  • Nausea; 
  • Vomiting; and
  • Seizures.

The only way to determine if someone is experiencing lead poisoning is to do a blood test. 

Lead Poisoning in Children

Children are especially at risk because lead affects their neurological and physiological development. Lead poisoning can cause the following in children specifically:

  • Learning issues;
  • Behavioral problems;
  • Hyperactivity;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Stunted growth;
  • Loss of IQ;
  • Loss of the ability to multitask;
  • Delayed puberty;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Early-onset dementia in later years;
  • Heart disease; 
  • Kidney disease;
  • Hearing loss; and
  • Stunted growth.

There is no “safe” amount of lead exposure—even low levels can lead to health problems.

General Dangers of Lead Poisoning for Everyone

Lead poisoning can also result in the following in both children and adults:

  • Brain damage;
  • Organ failure;
  • Mood disorders;
  • Stomach issues;
  • Fertility problems;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Seizures; or 
  • Death.

If you or your loved one has experienced any of these symptoms or illnesses and you believe lead poisoning is the source, you should call a San Francisco lead poisoning attorney.

Do I Have a Legal Claim for Lead Poisoning?

If you believe you or your loved one has lead poisoning, you must seek medical attention first and foremost. Your first priority is your health. Second must be documenting your illness and maintaining copies of any records or reports made by the doctors or health facilities. You will need these records and your medical lead poisoning diagnosis later for your legal claim.

Sellers and landlords are required to make certain disclosures about lead and lead hazards for tenants or buyers. They are obligated to give them educational materials about possible lead hazards in the home from the EPA and obtain signatures from tenants and buyers that they have been made aware of the dangers. Sellers and landlords must inform buyers or tenants of known hazards, such as lead-based paint or lead elements in the pipes; however, they are not obligated to remove the hazards. If your seller or landlord did not make the proper disclosures, or if there are obvious lead hazards in your home and the landlord is refusing to make repairs, you may have a lead poisoning legal claim. Additionally, if you had work done in your home where there is lead paint and the contractor was not qualified to do the work, they may be liable if you suffer lead poisoning as a result. It can be extremely difficult to win a lead poisoning case. You need a well-experienced lead paint poisoning lawyer to be successful. 

What Compensation Could I Receive for My Legal Claim?

If someone else’s negligence caused you or your loved ones to suffer lead poisoning, you might be eligible for the following compensation:

  • Past and future related medical treatments;
  • Treatment-related expenses;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Past and future lost wages related to your illness or treatments; and
  • Loss of personal property.

Unfortunately, there is no “average” lead paint poisoning settlement because the circumstances of each case are entirely unique. Your lead paint attorney can help you figure out a number for your specific case based on the damages you’ve incurred. 

Case Results

$10M Lead Poisoning
$9M Lead Poisoning & Slum Housing
$8M Lead Poisoning
$6M Lead Poisoning
$4.25M Lead Poisoning


What Will My Lead Poisoning Attorney Do for Me?

Qualified lead poisoning lawyers will have you explain your claim and then investigate the facts of your case. Your lead poisoning lawyer must first figure out who may be responsible for your illness or for the lead hazards in your home. A lead poison attorney will review your medical records, inspect the hazard or site in question, interview any witnesses, and conduct other fact-gathering to make your case. You should have copies made of your medical records, photos of the hazard, and a copy of your lease (if applicable) for your lead lawyer when you meet them for your first consultation. If you have a qualifying case, your lead poisoning attorney will help you prove that lead poisoning is the cause of your health issues. They will attempt to negotiate with any insurance companies or landlords for a fair settlement. If they are unable to do so, they will take your case to trial if necessary.

Are There Lead Poisoning Lawyers Near Me?

Yes! In fact, Riley | Ersoff LLP and Shakhnis is the only California law firm that primarily focuses on lead poisoning claims against landlords or other defendants. We have well-qualified lead paint poisoning attorneys serving the Bay area, San Francisco, and all of California. Our attorneys have prosecuted more lead poisoning cases than any other law firm in California. We have recovered more money for lead poisoning victims than any other firm as well. Some of our lead poisoning cases settled for millions of dollars. You can view many of our results on our website. You can also read some reviews from our clients if you wish. We would be happy to speak with you about your case. Please contact us today for a free consultation.